TRG-42:n sisäänammunta.

Aloittaja er, helmikuu 14, 2007, 11:51

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Terve. Onko kellään antaa ohjetta TRG-42 338LM sisäänammuntaan?

Puhdistus ja ammunta rytmi erityisesti kiinnostaa.

Sakon Marko Nikolta kysyttäessä hän ei antanut tarkkaa ohjetta, vaan totesi" ei siitä haittaakaan ole".
Train hard--->Fight easy


Jenkkimanuaalin ohje:

Barrel Break-in Procedure

To increase barrel life, accuracy, and reduce cleaning requirement the following barrel break-in procedure must be used. This procedure is best accomplished when SWS is new or newly rebarreled. The break-in period is accomplished by polishing the barrel surface under heat and pressure. This procedure should only be done by qualified personel. The barrel must be cleaned of all fouling, both powder and copper. The barrel is dried, and one round fired. The barrel is then cleaned again using carbon cleaner and then copper cleaner. The barrel must be cleaned again, and another round is fired. The procedure must be repeated for a total of 10 rounds. After 10th round the SWS is then tested for groups by firing three-round shot groups, with a complete barrel cleaning between shot groups for a total of five shot groups (15 rounds total).

Eli laukaus ja putsaus 10 kertaa, sen jälkeen 3lks kasa ja putsaus 5 kertaa. Tietysti jokainen saa tehdä kuten haluaa ja parhaaksi näkee.


Minä tein suurinpiirtein Kriegerin ohjeiden mukaan:


5 one-shot cycles

1 three-shot cycle

1 five-shot cycle

Chrome moly

5 - 25 - one-shot cycles

2 - three-shot cycles

1 - five-shot cycle">Krieger">Lilja">Shilen

Halpaa luotia piipun läpi niin ei haittaa niin paljoa vaikkei kasaa yritäkään ampua.


Tuo laukaus-puhdistus -metodi on ihan järkeenkäypä mutta omaan ja muutaman muunkaan järkeen ei oikeastaan sisäänammunnan ideaan sovi se että ammutaan 5 lks:n sarjoja.

Eli jos teesin mukaan piippuun kertyy kuparia joka pitää poistaa jotta ns. ampukolvaus siloittelisi piippua paremmin niin noin pidemmät sarja ei liene enää sisäänajoa vaan jotain muuta. Siinähä ehtii sitten kertyä kuparia viiden laukauksen edestä kerroksittain. 5. laukaus ei varmaankaan siloittele enää mitään kun sen kuparin alla on jo 4 edellisen luodin kuparit.

Tiedän kyllä että eri ohjeita annetaan ja osa kansasta on suorastaan sitä mieltä että kyseessä on lähinnä piipunvalmistajien salajuoni turhien laukaisumäärien päästelyyn piipusta läpi jotta piiput kuluisi nopeammin.

Takopiipuissa ei varmaan hirveästi ole saavutettavissa pitkillä sisäänammunnoilla mutta ei siitä varmaan haittaakaan ole jos 15-20 lks ampuu läpi putsaten kuparit joka laukauksen jälkeen. Jos tuon jälkeen piippu vielä kuparoi pahasti niin piippu kaipaa kyllä jo takuukorjausta ja/tai lyijytappikolvausta.



Ajattelin itse kokeilla ampukolvausta uuteen Lotharin kankeen.

Piipulla on tosin ammuttu jo 50lks verrokkiläjiä, ammun sitten samat lataukset kolvauksen jälkeen.

Ajatus on ampua kaoliinilla terästettyjä hitaita lyijykuulia "jokunen" läpi. Tulikin jo harjoiteltua proseduuria uudella varminttipienarilla.


Could you tell me in english, if it you have follow a barrel break-in procedure for your TRG42 ?


LainaaCould you tell me in english, if it you have follow a barrel break-in procedure for your TRG42 ?

Well, i'm not right person to give you advice, because I have shot only one bullet by my brand-new TRG-42 to test how it kicks. But I can tell you how I'm gonna do the barrel break-in procedure.

20 times, after every single shot the barrel must be cleaned. I think this can be best done by Hoppe's Elite gun cleaner. First after shooting, the piece of wool sprayed by Elite is pushed through the barrel, then you spray Elite into the barrel and let it be some 20 minutes. After that the barrel is cleaned by a dry piece of wool. Then you shoot again.

Somebody says, that this procedure should be done using copper bullets, not lead bullets.

T: mamannon


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Mike"Could you tell me in english, if it you have follow a barrel break-in procedure for your TRG42 ?

When I bought my 42, procedure was simple:

Boolets in to a chamber and rock´n roll. Nowdays after plenty of shots, barrell is still accurate and fast. Though it might shoot even better with duly break-in. Too late to worry bout it now.

But talking about break-in, another method:

Finished 308 semi-auto project some time ago, rig was updated with new Lothar Walther CrMo barrel. Shooted few quite promising test-shots until scope mount broke down. Waited weeks for parts, and now its ready for another try.

Meanwhile, since I´m such a snoopy person, I decided to try something else.

Purchased .30cal lead bullets and will load them mild. Subsonic or close. Before shooting, bullets (5-10) will get carclazyte jacket.

Carclazyte aka. china clay or kaoline is very, very fine abrasive powder as you already might know.

Already tested procedure with brand-new 22LR varmint rifle.

Abrasive sticks nicely to bullet wax. Also, made small nicks to bullet by rolling them against flat surface with coarse file. Extra notches are just for hauling abrasive "all the way". Dunno if those work as planned, but at least it gave some peace of mind.

Shoot-polishing is well known procedure here in Finland, though not commonly used.....i wonder why... :D  

But, its only a barrel, and risk to ruin it is small....i hope...


Fire-lapping with abrasives may work but you can say goodbuy to all factory warranties concerning the barrel accuracy after shooting the first abrasive-laden bullet.

I have fire-lapped my rimfires and no harm was done but I would not do it to a 338LM unless the barrel really fouls badly. On a Sako hammer forged barrel this is not very likely to happen.

I would shoot-clean 10 times and that´s it. Anyway new barrels can be bought when the old one slows down or loses it´s accuracy. A TRG-42 needs a 10" twist barrel to properly use 300 Match Kings anyway.