Aloittaja mjpaanan, toukokuu 26, 2019, 18:39

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Kestrel 5700 Ballistics

Kestrel 5700 Ballistics tuuli-ja säämittari parantaa ensimmäisen osuman mahdollisuuksia radikaalisti. Ballistiikkalaskuri ottaa huomioon sää- ja tuuliolosuhteiden muutokset sekä muut luodin lentorataan vaikuttavat tekijät kuten lämpötilan vaikutuksen lähtönopeuteen. Kisakokemuksen perusteella mittari toimii juuri valmistajan mainostamalla tavalla!

Kestrel 5700 Ballistics mallissa on Bluetooth yhteys, jolla se voidaan parittaa yhteensopivaan laseretäisyysmittariin, älypuhelimeen tai muihin laitteisiin. Ase/patruuna kombinaatio voidaan päivittää suoraan laitteeseen tai kännykkäsovelluksen kautta. Mikäli laite on paritettu laseretäysyysmittariin luodin lentoratakorjaus saadaan laitteesta suoraan kun kohte on mitattu.

Alla englanniksi keskeiset ominaisuudet, tähän säikeeseen voi tuotteesta kysellä ja kommentoida kokemuksia.


Employs a G1/G7 ballistic solver, correcting for Aerodynamic Jump, Spin Drift and Coriolis to achieve accurate long-range shots.
Easy Mode walks you through a simple step-by-step guide to using your Kestrel so you can learn faster and start shooting long range with confidence.
Muzzle Velocity Calibration Guide allows for accurate measurement of bullet speed without a chronograph to improve accuracy.
Environmental Capture measures and adjusts for actual conditions wherever you are and automatically updates the ballistic solution – eliminating the need to re-zero when moving to a different altitude.

LiNK connectivity powered by Bluetooth® low energy provides wireless communication to mobile devices and computers and integration with LiNK compatible laser range finders for improved speed and accuracy. (Note: LiNK Dongle sold separately)
Choice of solution units (Mils, MOA, Clicks, Inches or Centimeters)- works with any gun or targeting scope.
Weather mode offers the full environmental measurements, storage and charting capabilities of the Kestrel 5500 Weather Meter, including wind speed, direction, crosswind, temperature, humidity, pressure and altitude.

Large, hi-res, hi-contrast, graphic display is perfectly readable in the brightest sunlight. Includes both bright white and night-vision-preserving red backlight.
Kestrel LiNK for Ballistics app on iOS and Android provides convenient gun management and backup, access to the Applied Ballistics library of scientifically tested bullet data and the ability to view your Kestrel's solution remotely on your mobile device.

Rugged (drop tested to MIL-STD-810G standards), waterproof (sealed to IP67 standards).
Protective pouch, neck lanyard and Lithium AA battery included.
5-year warranty.

When you are ready to move to the Kestrel 5700 Elite Weather Meter with Applied Ballistics, you can easily upgrade this unit through a purchased firmware upgrade to expand the features and gain a more advanced extreme long range feature set.


  • Backlight – Switchable White/Red
  • Ballistics Calculator – Applied Ballistics®
  • Battery Life Indicator
  • Data Log Graph View
  • Data Logging – Adjustable Interval
  • Date & Time
  • Digital Compass
  • Drop-Tested to MIL-STD-810G
  • Floats
  • High Contrast, Sunlight Readable Monochrome LCD Display
  • Integrated Flip Open Impeller Cover
  • Intuitive Tactile Up/Down/Enter Keypad
  • LiNK Wireless Communication – When Option Selected (Bluetooth low energy)*
  • Multilingual Menus (English, French, Spanish, German)
  • Minimum/Maximum/Average Reading
  • Pressure Sensor
  • Relative Humidity Sensor
  • Temperature Sensor (Patented External Isolated)
  • Waterproof to IP67 (3'/1M for 30 minutes)
  • Aerodynamic Jump Correction
  • Basic Ballistic Data Table
  • *Connect with LiNK Compatible Range Finders
  • Coriolis Correction
  • Create and store 1 Target
  • Create and store up to 3 Gun/Bullet Profiles
  • G1/G7 Drag Models
  • Muzzle Velocity Calibration
  • MV-Temp Table
  • Spin Drift Correction
  • Supports Mil, MOA, Clicks
  • Standard and Night Vision Preserving Backlight
  • Target Range Estimator