Aloittaja FINZKI, kesäkuu 28, 2016, 10:40

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Mistä saisi Suomesta käsikäyttöisen kaulasorvin?

Täällä loppu romppeet.



Ostoilmoitusta eri foorumeille, tai Brownelsilta.
Kylätason ampuja


Asetarvike.fi löytyy forsteria.



Lainaus käyttäjältä: "jsr85"Asetarvike.fi löytyy forsteria.


Tuo Forsterin kaulasorvi on lisäosa Forster Original trimmeriin, ei kokonainen valmis kaulasorvi.

Ainakin ennen oli näin...


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "H5N1"
Tuo Forsterin kaulasorvi on lisäosa Forster Original trimmeriin, ei kokonainen valmis kaulasorvi.

Ainakin ennen oli näin...

 Joo, en tiedä muuta kun mitä ilmoituksessa lukee.

"Forster kaulasorvi kaulan ulkopuolen sorvaamiseen .17-.60.  105,00 €"



Voihan se hyvällä tuurilla olla muuttunut Forsterin käsisorviksi 8)

Suht kallis on kyllä jos näin on, tuohon vielä pilotti pitäisi sitten olla.


Ameriikoissa 98$ tuo käsisorvi.

http://www.forsterproducts.com/product/hand-held-outside-neck-turner/">http://www.forsterproducts.com/product/ ... ck-turner/">http://www.forsterproducts.com/product/hand-held-outside-neck-turner/

Tuollanen ois ihan ok, jos saisi jostain.


Sehän selviää kysymällä 8)

Olishan tuota Brownelss suomella varastossa 136€

Ja muitakin sorveja näkyy olevan varastossa jopa halvemmalla...


we currently have 6.5 Creedmoor in to works. We discussed this one at length in Finland during a new products development meeting a few months back. Several of us were pushing this one rather hard, due to the tremendous feedback we'd taken on the cartridge, and the popularity that the cartridge has already earned. Not a big one in Europe, but the US market is a significant share of our business, and we most definitely do listen to customer input. The first set ups are currently being done, and the initial trial run and in-house testing will be done shortly after that. If all goes well, we'll move on with production and hopefully make the formal introduction of this one during the SHOT show in January.


Eli mikäli kaikki sujuu hyvin, niin ensi tammikuun SHOT Show'ssa esitellään Lapuan hylsy otsikon kaliiperissa.


Sitten ei tarvikaan enää kuin odotella.että Rugerin kiväärist tulee vasuriversio.



http://www.lapua.com/en/headlines/335/6.5-Creedmoor-is-here%21">http://www.lapua.com/en/headlines/335/6 ... is-here%21">http://www.lapua.com/en/headlines/335/6.5-Creedmoor-is-here%21

LainaaLapua's 6.5 Creedmoor is here!

We are happy to announce the addition of the 6.5 Creedmoor case to the Lapua line! Despite a relatively short time on the marketplace, the 6.5 Creedmoor has made a tremendous splash in the field, rapidly becoming one of the most requested cases we heard about from shooters.

Lapua's 6.5 Creedmoor is designed to function in a short action, which is also a plus for hunters, vitally concerned with the rifle's weight and compactness. In fact, many of the same features which make for a successful competition cartridge, translate nicely to the hunting fields as well.

For most species of mid-size game such as deer or boar, the Creedmoor will prove to be a deadly performer. And while the selection of high grade Match bullets in the 6.5 bore size is tremendous, there's no shortage of exceptionally good hunting bullets either. The 6.5's as a group have always been known as excellent performers on game.

Made with Lapua's typical dedication to precision, our new 6.5 Creedmoor case has been refined just a bit, to make it an even better performer. We've opted for the small rifle primer, which normally produces an optimized ignition and better accuracy than large primers in mid-sized cartridges like the Creedmoor.

We've also incorporated our smaller diameter flash hole (1.5mm, rather than the industry standard 2.0mm), which has proven to provide enhanced accuracy, and is used in a number of our other accuracy oriented cases. In this respect, the new 6.5 Creedmoor joins the ranks of our other dedicated accuracy cartridges such as the .220 Russian (6mm PPC), the 6mm BR Norma, the 6.5x47 Lapua and the .308 Win. Palma cases.


And naturally, the new 6.5 Creedmoor will be made with our well known Passion for Precision. Strictest control over the metallurgy, the forming and drawing processes, precise annealing all performed under the watchful eyes of our production experts. For you, the handloader, that means the durability for which our cases are famous, combined with consistency and long life. Already proven in competition, we predict that the 6.5 Creedmoor will be a force to be reckoned with for many years to come.

The 6.5 Creedmoor case by Lapua will be available in Q1 2017.


Creedmoor pienellä nallilla, hmmmm...

Mielenkiintoista nähdä minkälaista eroa saadaan muiden valmistajien hylsyihin nähden.


Yes 8)

Lisää painetta...

Saapas nährä kauanko ottaa että saa kaupasta.


Matti Kauppi ja muut Hjorthin jälleenmyyjät myyvät 6.5 Creedmooren tehdaspatruunaa. Tämä siis Hornadyn lataamaa.



Onkos tämän kaliiberin valikoima parantunut nyt puolessa vuodessa?

Matti Kaupin 2.88€/kpl? hinta on aika deep.